Tidio Updates

Push Tidio Widget Events to Google Tag Manager

by Michał Szydłowski, Product Manager
New integration is here! You can now push events from Tidio Widget to Google Tag Manager. Once you enable Google Tag Manager integration, all events from Tidio widget are automatically pushed to the dataLayer. Whenever a visitor interacts
New feature

Collect valuable data with the Send a Form node

by Jacek Winiarski, Senior Product Manager
We unveil our latest chatbot feature, Send a Form node, offering a solution for seamless data collection of your customer. This feature automates the process of gathering various data types through a customizable form embedded in the
New feature

Export contacts and chat transcripts to Zoho CRM

by Michał Szydłowski, Product Manager
Exciting news for all our users! We are thrilled to announce the integration of Zoho CRM with our platform. You can now easily pass contacts and chat transcripts to this service. This new feature will work for pre-chat surveys, chatbots,
New feature

Send event from Tidio Widget to GA4

by Michał Szydłowski, Product Manager
We have enabled a new integration with GA4 (Google Analytics) that allow to send events from Tidio Chat Widget to your GA4 property. With this new integration you can: track conversions from Tidio with ease analyze interactions with Tidio
New feature

Creating tickets when you're offline

by Piotr Cygan, Senior Product Manager
We've got some exciting news to share with you today. We are thrilled to announce the release of our new ticket form feature, now available to all our users! With this new feature, you can move customers to create tickets when you and
New feature

Automatic response for tickets

by Piotr Cygan, Senior Product Manager
We are super excited to announce the launch of our new autoresponder feature for emails! With this awesome new feature, you can now set up automatic responses to incoming emails. This makes it way easier for you to manage your inbox and
New feature

Sending emails from own domain

by Piotr Cygan, Senior Product Manager
We are delighted to announce the launch of a highly requested feature in ticketing - sending ticket replies from your own email address. We understand that maintaining brand consistency is vital for our customers, and we have received
New feature

Ticket analytics

by Piotr Cygan, Senior Product Manager
We've got some super exciting news to share with you all! You can now analyze the volume and time to reply to tickets! Now you can track and measure your customer service performance, so we've been working hard to make this happen.
New feature

New options in Tidio API

by Michal Niemiec
It is now possible to create and update multiple contacts using Tidio OpenAPI. The complete API documentation can be found at https://developers.tidio.com/ 💡 Currently, OpenAPI is only available for Tidio+ customers. If you are
New feature