We are excited to introduce a new, significant chatbot functionality - Portals.

Portals enable customers to initiate any existing chatbot from the newly developed node "To another chatbot". This feature allows you to build more complex scenarios without any friction.

When you link chatbots, the existing trigger in the linked flow will be overwritten, and the linked chatbot will start from the first action node. Linked chatbots will trigger independently according to their triggers, as till now.

You can also create dedicated flows from the "From another chatbot" trigger. This starting point can be added to new chatbots, enabling you to create more customized and versatile chatbot interactions.

To make the process even more convenient, we have added the ability to open chosen or linked chatbots directly from the "To another chatbot" trigger window. This means you can test and edit your chatbot without having to navigate back to the chatbots list. This functionality was made possible thanks to the previous release of drafts.

Thank you for your continued support!